Association of Statisticians
of American Religious Bodies
Officers of the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies
Rich has been a part of ASARB for over 25 years. His office at the Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center maintains the ASARB mailing list and contact information.
Erica Dollhopf, President
Erica represents the United Church of Christ. She has served on the executive committee for several years, assuming the presidency in 2022.
Our officers serve two-year terms (elections held in even-numbered years):
Thanks for your interest in the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies.
To inquire about membership:
Or contact our secretary-treasurer:
ASARB, c/o Rich Houseal
17001 Prairie Star Parkway
Lenexa, KS 66220
Rich Houseal, Secretary-treasurer
Other current officers
First Vice-president: Molly James, The Episcopal Church
Second Vice-president: Daniel Price, Lifeway Christian Resources
Past President: Kris Valerius, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Member-at-large: Adam DeHoek, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Member-at-large: Laura Lance, Church of the Nazarene